Economic Dynamics and Information

eBook - Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems

Erschienen am 01.08.2007, Auflage: 1/2007
62,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540326953
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 274 S., 11.50 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book analyzes the existence of equilibria in economies having a measured space of agents and a continuum of agents and commodities. Excessive homogeneity with respect to agent productivity leads to instability and non-uniqueness of a given stationary state and the indeterminacy of the corresponding stationary state equilibrium. Sufficient heterogeneity leads to global saddle-path stability, uniqueness of a given stationary state and the global uniqueness of the corresponding equilibrium. The variety and variance of agent capabilities is reflected in such constructions as culture, social relations, ideology, politics, and preferences that change continuously with historical development. Information variety is an efficacious companion of systemic variety, and can support the performance of an economy, and can be an economically efficient cradle for adaptation to environmental and individual change and systemic evolution.


Rational Expectations of Efficiency and Incentive Schemes.- Dynamic Adjustment Processes and the Effect of the Economic System.- Optimal Incentive Schemes with a Measure Space and Decision.- Dynamics and Information.- Life Cycle and Risk-Sharing of Information Under Restriction.- Risk Choices, Heterogeneous Beliefs and Prediction Strategies in Allocation.- Design, Knowledge and Stabilization of Economy.- Decision Process, Assets and Information.- Endowments, Money, Debt and Risky Choice of Decision.- Market Mechanisms, Portfolios and Uncertainty of Decisions.- Stability of Markets, Uncertainty, and Strategic Behavior.- Market Making, Information, Beliefs, and Chaos.- Volatility, Information, and Return Distribution.- Shocks, Uncertainty, and Preferences Over Information.- Externalities, Market Information and Contracts.- Cycles, Chaos, Stabilization and Technological Innovation.- Information Cascades, Expectations, and Risky Choices.- Conclusion.

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